Terms & Conditions

These Engagement set out the things we’re required to disclose to you, our commitments to you, the way we’ll work together, and what we need from you to ensure we can deliver our services to you at a high standard, as efficiently as possible.

If you have questions about any of these Terms, please contact us to discuss them prior to accepting our proposal. By accepting our proposal, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

We may update these Terms from time to time. We’ll keep you informed of any changes we make. 

Our Core Values

Our Core Values guide our behaviour and we expect our team and clients to respect and live into our Core Values:


Working together to achieve beautiful service


Practicing what we believe.


We value respectful relationships.


We are continually improving our skills and knowledge.


Constantly going beyond expectations

Our Expectations of You

We expect you to provide us with any information we need in a timely manner, and to the best of your abilities

If you need help to get your information in order, let us know so we can assist you - it will save you time and money in the future

We may send you pre-work to complete prior to some of our meetings which we expect you to complete by the required date and to the best of your abilities; the more time you spend thinking about the answers to our questions, the more value you’ll get from our meeting

We’re obligated by law to undertake certain identity checks and we expect you to provide this information upon request

We’ll recommend you have processes in place to ensure you get paid on time; please respect our firm’s processes and ensure payments are made on time.

Our Commitment to You

We’re committed to helping you to the best of our ability, working with you to make fully informed decisions which are best for you and your business

We want you to see the value in the services we provide you

We won’t recommend services unless we truly believe you will receive more value than the price you pay

We won’t undertake any work without first giving you an estimate of the price

We value our relationship with you and want you to feel confident that you can reach out to us with any questions you have -ask us about our complimentary Quick Queries service

We won’t tell you what to do; we’ll listen to you, ask questions, identify potential options and their risks and benefits, and support the decisions you make

Accident Compensation Corporation

You authorise us to act as your agent for ACC levy purposes and also for all associated entities

This authorisation allows us to query and change information on your ACC levy account(s)through ACC staff and through ACC Online Services

This authority also allows our main representative discretion to delegate access to your ACC information to other members of our organisation, including our contractors

Other delegated members of our organisation will also be able to query and change information on your ACC levy account. You also authorise us to act on behalf of yourself and other taxpayers identified as associated with this engagement 

Authority to Obtain  Information

·    Our work involves collecting your personal information relevant or incidental to our work

·    Your personal information will be held  securely at our offices and will  be retained for as long as may be  relevant to the engagement and, except where  otherwise noted in this letter, will only be used or disclosed for purposes related to the engagement

·    You can contact us at any time to access your  own personal information and correct it if required

·    You confirm we have authority to communicate with any third party (including IRD) if  the information sought is relevant to our engagement


·    You’re liable to reimburse us for certain  costs we’re required to pay on your behalf

Extent of Services

We don’t accept responsibility for the accuracy  and completeness of accounting records and other information you supply to us, or for  the reliability, accuracy, and  completeness of the financial information compiled on the basis  of those records  and information

We  also don’t accept any responsibility for the  maintenance of adequate accounting records, an adequate internal control structure, and the selection and application of appropriate accounting policies within your  organisation

You’re  solely responsible to users of the financial  information we compile

The  information you supply must be provided on a  timely basis

Our  engagement doesn’t include the investigation  or discovery of internal control weaknesses, errors, illegal acts, or other irregularities, including without limitation, fraud, or  non-compliance with laws or  regulations. However, we will inform you of  any such matters which come  to our attention during the course of our  engagement

If we’re unable to complete your financial statements, or we consider the  information to be misleading, we  may refer to such matters within our  compilation report or we may determine, at  our sole discretion, not to issue a report

Retention of Records

We will store accounting records that we hold  on your behalf for a period of 7  years after the applicable balance date

At the end of that period, unless you write requesting they be forwarded to you, the  records will be destroyed using a  secure document destruction method

Use & Distribution of the Financial Information

We understand that the intended use and distribution of the financial statements  is for the purposes of completing  your tax return, so if this should change  you must notify  us immediately

We will not accept any responsibility to any person, other than you, for the contents  of the financial information


Independence is not a requirement for a compilation engagement

If we are aware that we are not independent,  this fact will be stated in our  report

However, we will not conduct a comprehensive review to determine whether we are, or  are not, independent

Information and Disclosure

The conduct of this engagement is in  accordance with the professional  standards, rules and ethical requirements  of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

However, as members of the Chartered  Accountants Australia and New Zealand  and members of Atainz, we are  subject to, and bound by, the disciplinary  procedures and rules of the Institute, and our work and files are subject to the practice  review rules of the Institute under  which compliance with professional standards by members is monitored

These procedures and rules require us to  disclose to the Institute, its  reviewers, and/or its disciplinary bodies,  our files and work papers including client  information. By allowing us to undertake this engagement, you acknowledge that, if requested, our files relating to this engagement  will be made available to the  Institute, its reviewers, and/or its disciplinary  bodies

We assure you that the same ethical standards regarding confidentiality that we adhere  to apply equally to the Institute’s reviewers

Professional Rules  and Obligations

We’ll  compile your financial statements in accordance  with the standards issued by Chartered Accountants  Australia and New Zealand and NZ GAAP.

We’ll  always act in accordance with any bylaws, regulations  and ethical guidelines of our regulatory  body and accept instructions to act on that basis

Work Papers

Material you provide us remains yours and will be returned to you when the engagement is completed

Workpapers that we create will remain our property

At the end of that period, unless you ask us to send that information to you, the records will be destroyed using a secure document destruction method

Annual Accounts - Mutual Expectations


 Your Invoices and Documents

If you use Xero, you need to upload all  significant invoices and  documents relating to bank transactions to your Xero  accounting file

The Annual Questionnaire

We’ll send you an electronic Annual Accounts questionnaire at the  end of your  financial year

Please complete and submit within 30 days

Proposal and Acceptance

If on a monthly agreed service plan, your plan  rolls over every year unless we  agree to a change; such change is to  be documented in a signed  proposal

If not on a monthly agreed service plan, we’ll  send a proposal for your Annual  Accounts and Tax Returns a month before  we are due to begin work

Meeting with your Account Manager

Your Account Manager will schedule a face to face

or virtual meeting after you’ve submitted your Annual Questionnaire, at which you’ll:

Go through your completed Questionnaire

Discuss any major transactions for the year

Review of Information

After the meeting, we’ll review  your data and

information and  get in touch if anything is missing

Please supply missing information within 48 hours

Work Commences

When we have all the required information, we’ll

start work on your Annual Accounts

Queries Resolved

We’ll get  in touch if we have any queries

Please respond within  48 hours

The Annual Accounts Review  Meeting

We’ll schedule  a meeting after drafting your Annual Accounts

We’ll send you pre-work to complete, along  with a copy of the draft Accounts  to review, so that you get as much  value as possible from our meeting

Target Completion Date

We’ll complete your draft Accounts within 30 days of commencing the work.





"Great overview, very interesting to see it all broken down." "I will implement the knowledge and share it with my non-profit committees. I look forward to attending the next workshop"

Seminar Attendees