One of the most powerful questions you can ask in and organisation is “why?”. Why do you do what you do? Why would people want to work with you or use your services?
The best way to answer these questions is to be crystal clear about your organisation's core purpose; why you exist for your clients.
1. It should be no more than 7 words.
2. You and your team need to know if off by heart.
3. It should spark interest and conversation about how you achieve it.
4. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning to come to work; what you love about what you do.
5. You must back it up with action, otherwise it becomes cliché, or worse, just empty words.
- To make people happy - Disney
- To solve unsolvable problems innovatively - 3M
- To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world (if you have a body, you are an athlete) - Nike
What is your why? If you’re not sure, or want some help discovering yours, get in touch. We can help.
"I have had regular monthly coaching with Michelle for two years, I found Michelle kind and thoughtful, also analytical. It is helpful each session to review the numbers, budgeting and discuss forecasting with the different events that are occurring in the trust regularly. Each meeting our discussions resulted in myself as CEO to understand the numbers more and receive helpful tips towards improving our financial reporting to make them more readable and understandable to the board."